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Film making: Putting Buffalo On The Map

Western New York is a treasure trove of unique architecture. This is no secret to anyone who lives here. Increasingly, Buffalo is attracting the attention of Hollywood Producers who are smitten by the Queen City's unique assets.


All Eyes on Ted

Ted Black, the new President of the Buffalo Sabres has big plans for what he calls Hockey Heaven.


Byron Brown: "2012 Breakthrough Year for Waterfront"

“2012 will be another breakthrough year for Buffalo’s waterfront, making the full vision of Canalside a reality,” said Mayor Byron W. Brown, who noted that the announcement of the construction of the canals continues the positive momentum of Canalside created this summer by the great success of the expanded boardwalk, additional green space and increased entertainment. “Progress continues; we listened to residents and visitors, who made it clear that what they want is a connection to the water.”

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